Mosman Cricket Club Annual Golf Tour
Barnbougle Dunes & Lost Farm
June 5th - 8th, 2024

THE OG: Individual & 'Paris' Jackets
Day 1: Dunes
Afternoon: Individual Stableford
Evening: Teams to be drawn from Hat
Day 2: Lost Farm
Morning : 4BBB Stableford
Afternoon: 9 holes Irish Foursomes + 9 holes Ambrose (3-2-1-0)
Day 3: Dunes (1 Point per Match)
Morning : 4BBB Stableford
Any lost ball “through the green” please use the “Irish drop rule” which is: Drop the ball at point of entry for a 1 shot penalty.
If your ball ends up in a footprint in a bunker or divot, you are entitled to place your ball at the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole without penalty.
Can we ask you to please:
Replace your divots (grass grows back faster this way).
Repair your plug marks.
Tidy and rake your bunkers.
Stick to paths between greens and tees.
Players will start using official AGU Handicap.
GOLF Link only valid with 10 rounds submitted in previous 12mths.
Players who do not have an official handicap will be required to present a case for the handicap which they feel to be fair - to be decided on Bus trip to course.
In 2024, there will be no changes in Handicap each day - just play better!!!